ENCICLOPÉDIA MINEIRA: Prof. Marcos Tadeu Cardoso
Um projeto do Prof. Marcos Tadeu Cardoso, um livro publicado narrando a história das principais cidades Mineiras.
Entre em contato com o prof. Marcos T. C. pelo e-mail,
marcostcj@yahoo.com.br ou mar.cj@hotmail.com Acesse seu website oficial, http://marcostadeucardoso.blogspot.com
Entre em contato com o prof. Marcos T. C. pelo e-mail,
marcostcj@yahoo.com.br ou mar.cj@hotmail.com Acesse seu website oficial, http://marcostadeucardoso.blogspot.com
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sábado, 7 de fevereiro de 2015
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Hinduism, an important religion of the world, and also one of the oldest surviving ones, native to the Indian subcontinent.
Hindi:हिन्दू धर्म दुनिया का एक प्रमुख धर्म है और यह प्राचीन-तरीन धर्मों में से एक है। यह भारतीय महाद्वीप में जन्म लेनेवाला धर्म है।
S wäre 42 vu insgsamt 42 Unterkategorie in däre Kategori aazeigt:
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► Hinduism by country (40 K)
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Medie in dr Kategori „Hinduism“
S wäre 108 vu insgsamt 108 Dateie in däre Kategori aazeigt:
11TH Rudra Shiva Hanuman.jpg
11TH Rudra Shiva Hanuman.jpg
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Bhaktivinod Thakur.wav
81 KB
Bilvamangala's Balagopalastuti; folio 16 recto Wellcome L0033198.jpg
Bilvamangala's Balagopalastuti; folio 16 recto Wellcome L0033198.jpg
2,25 MB
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Bilvamangala's Balagopalastuti; folio 17 recto Wellcome L0033199.jpg
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Bilvamangala's Balagopalastuti; folio 3 recto Wellcome L0031370.jpg
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Bilvamangala's Balagopalastuti; folio 60 verso Wellcome L0025930.jpg
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Bochinger - La Vie contemplative, ascétique et monastique chez les Indous et chez les peuples bouddhistes.djvu
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358 KB
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Brahma Baba mit Ordensschwestern 1940er Jahre.jpg
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Brahmachari Binode.jpg
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Cazalis - Histoire de la littérature hindoue.djvu
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Dada Lekhraj in den 20er Jahren.jpg
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Das Bild der Höchsten Seele als Lichtpunkt TR.jpg
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Devi in her benign and ferocious forms Wellcome L0035002.jpg
Devi in her benign and ferocious forms Wellcome L0035002.jpg
2,61 MB
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Dharmic religions.jpg
82 KB
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Dubois - Exposé de quelques-uns des principaux articles de la théogonie des Brahmes.djvu
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Encyclopedia of Hinduism Vol.I.JPG
Encyclopedia of Hinduism Vol.I.JPG
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Ferdinando Sardella.JPG
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Figure 33. Contrast between the experiences of body consciousness and body consciousness Tamasin Ramsey.jpg
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God In Religions 1.png
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Harihar Trik Ashram.jpg
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Illustrated tantric scroll showing rewards devotees receive Wellcome L0035011.jpg
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Illustrated tantric scroll showing rewards devotees receive Wellcome L0035018.jpg
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Indian sisters on the roof of the centre in Orissa, India Tamasin Ramsey.jpg
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Journey to the East Indies and China, Undertaken at the King's Command, from 1774 until 1781- In Which the Religious Mores, Sciences, and Arts of the Indians, the Chinese, the Pegouins, and the WDL663.jpg
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Kali on horseback, with other figures. Gouache. Wellcome L0069377.jpg
Kali on horseback, with other figures. Gouache. Wellcome L0069377.jpg
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Kali on horseback, with other figures. Gouache. Wellcome L0069378.jpg
Kali on horseback, with other figures. Gouache. Wellcome L0069378.jpg
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Kushyar ibn Labban division.GIF
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Milloué - Le Brahmanisme.djvu
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Norsk hindu kultursenter festival 2012.jpg
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Omam Fire ritual- Ganapathy Temple - Wimbledon.jpg
Omam Fire ritual- Ganapathy Temple - Wimbledon.jpg
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Panjabi manuscript 255 Wellcome L0040748.jpg
Panjabi manuscript 255 Wellcome L0040748.jpg
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Panjabi manuscript 255 Wellcome L0040770.jpg
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Panjabi manuscript 255 Wellcome L0040773.jpg
Panjabi manuscript 255 Wellcome L0040773.jpg
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Parthasarathy Perumal Yaanai Vahanam.png
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Peeliyampuram punaprethishta picture 1.JPG
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Peeliyampuram punaprethishta picture 4.JPG
Peeliyampuram punaprethishta picture 4.JPG
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Peeliyampuram punaprethishta picture 5.JPG
Peeliyampuram punaprethishta picture 5.JPG
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Peeliyampuram punaprethishta picture kailasa nadhan.JPG
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Peeliyampuram sree krishna ayyappa temple prethishta ezhunnallath.JPG
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Peeliyampuram sree krishna ayyappa temple thazhikakudam.JPG
Peeliyampuram sree krishna ayyappa temple thazhikakudam.JPG
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Peeliyampuram sree krishna ayyappa temple.JPG
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Portrait of a Hindu Sadhu India DSCF1220 (4).JPG
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Ramana Mahanirvana Place in Thiruvanamalai.jpg
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Ruins of Prambanan, Tjandi Sewoe, Soerakarta Residence WDL2906.png
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Saidpur Village.jpg
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Shiva and Parvati riding on Nandi. Panjabi manuscript 255 Wellcome L0040771.jpg
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Shiva pronounce.ogg
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File:Shree Balaji Mandir Charkop.ogvMediedatei abspiile
Shree Balaji Mandir Charkop.ogv
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Swami Pranavananda.jpg
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Sčítání obyvatelstva 2011, Česká hinduistická náboženská společnost, věková struktura.svg
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Tree of Life Australia.jpg
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Varaha avatara of Visnu. Panjabi manuscript 255 Wellcome L0040776.jpg
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Vedic Time.png
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Vellālas worshipping lingam, snake-stones and Ganēsa..jpg
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Vermilion on a stone.jpg
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View of Katra enroute to Maa Vaishno Devi temple.JPG
4,72 MB
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Vintage Hindu God Print.jpg
62 KB
Vivekananda ClipArt.svg
Vivekananda ClipArt.svg
30 KB
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